Welcome To Your Creative Home

"In a world where you can be anything, be yourself. "

Ashley Purdy 

About Orly Levy owner of Orlys Light

Hi, I'm Orly

With a background in communications and life coaching; I help business owners and creatives clarify and capture their message by writing for them and with them. 

Clients often wonder how I get them so effortlessly and tell me they feel like they’ve known me their whole lives.

Nothing feels worse than an untold story or repressed creative pursuit stuck inside you – whether it is a story, project, or business passion – the creativity wants to come out. 

I have had a successful coaching and writing business for the past 10 years. Beginning my journey in content and communications for the non-profit world, I pivoted to coaching and mentoring before returning to my writing roots as a content writer for small businesses. 

I now support my clients in connecting, clarifying and expressing themselves through content creation for their dream projects. 

I am proud to share my writing has been featured numerous times on Tiny Buddha -a  blog that reaches over 7 Million viewers world wide.


How did I do this?


I write with my heart W I D E O P E N! I write with a voice that is deeper, wiser and authentically me.


The result?

Readers + clients responding with:

“Wow, it’s like you knew my life story”

“Everything you wrote deeply resonated with me”

“It’s like you are inside my head”

“Thank you for writing”

“I needed this right now”



My content writing and coaching is done exactly the same – except it is YOUR HEART that you have generously shared with me. I write in your voice, with your words, your way. Together we craft your message and see it come alive. 

My clients tell me they feel INSPIRED to start their week. They feel connected to the part of themselves they assumed was lost or didn’t belong in their project. They share that internally they feel different!

The secret is that they are being their truest and most authentic selves and this captivates not only their audience  – it captivates themselves!

This is not a struggle train – it is fun, exciting, passionate and makes you come alive! When I write for myself and others, I come back to my truest self. I feel like a kid again. 

My ability to connect at deep levels are due to my gifts of empathy, sensitivity and emotional intelligence. This comes across in my writing and inspires readers. 
These days you’ll find me:
Running after my two rug rats – a big cup of coffee spilling over my white shirt.
Walking along the southern California beach with drenched pant legs – the one I dreamed of growing up as a sad teen in Las Vegas.
Sitting in the yard (my favorite spot) with my big open heart, a pen and journal in hand
I was afraid – for myself, for my loved ones and for the world. My nervous system was ready for the worst case scenario! Enter Branch from Trolls ; )

However, I did know that I was intuitive, sensitive, spiritual and wanted to support others in healing.

I had this underlying feeling that kept leading me inwards. It whispered that my dreams of peace and play were possible. It reminded me that I am the leader (YOU ARE TOO) of my life experience and I am worthy of LOVE.

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