It doesn’t matter where you are on your journey learning emotional maturity or mastery is possible for you.
Being highly sensitive, intuitive and giving is a gift that can only be given when we are able to receive.
Understanding and accepting yourself with awareness leads to self-realization.
Emotional Mastery is about reconnecting with yourself and figuring out what is happening within you.
Each one of us is unique and has a unique experience.
This method is about finding your own voice and leading from your intuition rather than from fear or from your head. It is about creating a new way of living your life and caring for yourself.
Does it feel better to repeat the past out of comfort and fear of the unknkown?
There isn’t a “right” choice but there is a feeling within you that lets you know whether you honored your voice or let someone else take the reins (which could be your ego). One feels empowering and the other feels powerless.
The options are endless and our experiences are limitless. It is our own experience and depends on where we are at in our lives – which is why the answers to your questions, decisions, and healing lies within you!
Each of us has deep wisdom within. It is the voice of love and inner knowing that can light the way through the challenges and miracles of life.
Together we will shine a light of awareness on our fears, judgments, anger, boundaries and self-care in order to reconnect with our true nature so that we can feel good about being ourselves and make empowered choices.
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