Mothering for the mother in you

Motherhood is one of the great unfoldings of our truest selves.

Both a deep life calling and a daily job, magical and challenging, 

this is a time to connect with others,

 playfully express powerful emotions and lean into trust, intuition and inner exploration.

Orly Levy Blog bunch of pink roses

It doesn’t matter where you are on your journey (preconception, empty nester, or stay at home mom, loving aunt, neighbors, etc.). 

Mothering is not only about giving, it is about receiving and it is about leadership

If you are called to this page, it is for a reason.

Dear nurturing soul,


Like the petals of a soft, pink rose you are meeting new parts 

of yourself, while watching outer petals fall off.

When you care deeply and want to love and nurture your relationships; it is easy to get swept up in the tidal waves of comparison, sadness, judgment, exhaustion, and fear.

You cannot nurture another without nurturing yourself.

Motherhood (which is not always biological) forever changes the shape of our lives. We change on every level – physically, mentally, emotionally, and metaphysically. We create a new identity for ourselves. This is magical and challenging. Happy and sad.

Motherhood is about reconnecting with yourself and figuring out what is happening within you.

Learning what is true for you.

Tell me what is true for you.

Apply for a free 30-minute Connection Call

Each one of us is unique and has a unique experience.

It’s about caring for ourselves just as we care for others.

It is about healing ourselves and loving ourselves so that we can do the same for our loved ones.

You may be experiencing:

  • Postpartum depression + Hormonal Imbalance
  • Emotional flooding and loneliness 
  • Exhaustion and depletion
  • Shame + Judgment (insecurity)
  • Self Image and Role Confusion (who am I now?)
  • Loss of identity + Career (boredom)
  • Fears + Resistance around all of the above + what’s next

I am here to remind you that there is no right way, there is only YOUR WAY.

This method is about finding your own voice and leading from your intuition rather than from fear or from other’s opinions. It is about creating a new way of living your life, caring for yourself and caring for your family that FEELS GOOD TO YOU.

Everyone has an opinion about what you should do or what you shouldn’t do, it can be hard to hear your own voice in all of it.

Does it feel better to take the counsel of your mother or repeat patterns than to dig deep and feel the right decision for you?

There isn’t a “right” choice but there is a feeling within you that lets you know whether you honored your voice or let someone else take the reins (which could be your ego). One feels empowering and the other feels powerless.

The options are endless and our experiences are limitless. It is our own experience and depends on where we are at in our lives mentally, emotionally and physically which is why the answer to your questions, decisions, and healing lies within you!

Each of us has deep wisdom within. It is the voice of love and inner knowing that can light the way through the challenges and miracles of motherhood + transitions.

Curious about joining me for the Creative Community or for Intuitive Leadership?

Here is what you’ll gain/receive:

– Meaningful Connection

– Creative Expression

– Clarity and guidance

– Healing and breakthroughs

– Consistency and Structure

– Deep understanding and acceptance 

– Replace stress with happy hormones

– A Likeminded community

– New perspectives and a new future created by you


My personal journey with mothering began long before my kids were born. I've always had a strong innate desire to nurture, love and protect people in my life. I had a sense a maternal responsibility and leadership since I was a kid that I couldn't shake (believe me, I tried).

Learning about myself, creative + emotional expression, and using various spiritual tools supported me in understanding myself. Following my intuition and embracing my sensitivity is a life long journey.

I now know that to give at this level requires caring for myself, acknowledging my gifts, and an understanding of my levels of influence. The amount of awareness required can only come from inner work and emotional expression.

Loving others this deeply is a gift and it can also feel like a heavy burden. When we are this open and close to unconditional love, we don't want to lose it and there begins the fears, overthinking and control. The uncertainty coupled with emotions can consume you if you let it.

I believe there is a creative solution to this time in your life, there is an opportunity under all the emotions and even a north star guiding you to expand your perspectives, face your fears and be the intuitive leader you already are. Lets do this together!

Join me in reconnecting with your own internal wisdom during the beautiful mess we call motherhood.

Together we will shine a light of awareness on our fears, judgments, anger, boundaries and self-care in order to reconnect with our true nature so that we can feel good about being moms and make empowered choices for our family.