The Creative Community

Sparks of Light - An Online Creative Community

Creativity is not something that needs to be taught or learned. It is something we experience through play, presence, and joy.

In Sparks of Light we will cultivate, cherish and re-Connect

with our-Selves through creative expression, inspiration, and a supportive community.

Play With Intuitive Expression

Do you remember playing as a child…having no idea what time it was and not giving a crap about why, how or what would come out of it?

When we were young we played to play – playing because it felt natural, fun, interesting and carefree. The fun of it was in the doing and the being not in the outcome. It didn’t need to be saved, framed, explained or even shared. It was for your own tender heart and joy. And after it was done, it was let go and often forgotten. 
As children we are connected to our innate creativity and imagination. This serves us and helps us develop the skills we need in adulthood. 
The question is why and when did you stop? And most importantly, are you willing to start again?
By carving out a scheduled time each week to explore ANY modality of creative expression, painting, writing, coloring, sketching, poetry, songs, dance or cardmaking, you will slowly return to this care-free and trusting version of yourself and build the muscle of creativity. 
The muscle of creativity is not isolated, it will impact every area of your life.
Playing with Art impacts:
– stress levels
– nervous system Regulation
– brain function
it makes it possible to see the solutions to any challenge or problem you may be faced with.
It opens up your mind and makes space for your intuitive downloads to come through. It changes your life, decisions, and therefore your level of contentment, meaning and joy.
And if that weren’t enough it’s fun and you’ll be (virtually) surrounded by like-hearted souls that also want to have more meaning, express, heal, play and re-Connect with their intuition, all from the comfort of your own home.



It is creativity for your eyes only...

Expression to know yourself

Expression to love yourself

Expression to trust yourself

What You'll Learn and Receive

Since I was a child I used writing as a way to express my deepest truth. I would fill journals with my thoughts, doodles, pictures and feelings. It guided me inwards and gave me permission to hear what was deep within. It helped me to declutter my mind so that I could feel peace and presence.

Before I ever hired my first coach or began different therapy modalities – I had a pen and paper to set me free. You have this available to you right now. If you are curious or feel called – it is your choice to begin.

Monthly Membership

Sparks of Light
A Creative Community

Any questions or on the fence? Email me!