I am virtually moving and want to welcome you to my new space. For the past eight years I have been blogging on my website, Orly’s Light and have decided to take my writing and work to Substack! Feel free to unsubscribe at the bottom.
*first published on https://orlylevy.substack.com/
But first, let me share a dream of mine that is coming true.

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash
Sparks of Light with Orly Levy is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
When I was young I used to love reading the Chicken Soup series. Remember those meaningful and heart wrenching personal stories that left you blowing your nose with ugly cry face yet, somehow feeling inspired and connected at the same time.
They were meant for adults not kids. But since my dad loved reading, I had access to a huge library of various books at home. Most of the girls my age were reading the Babysitter’s Club or Judy Blume but I yearned for these books that touched me in a place I couldn’t explain.
They were authentic, raw, vulnerable and reminded me that even when bad things happen, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I needed those reminders as a kid and I still want them as an adult (I guess that’s what I call myself now eek!)
A few years ago when I sat in on AA and SNAP meetings, I felt the same longing. Something about the pain of the stories and people sharing their shame and guilt soothed my soul. (I know, the things that I enjoy surprise me too! I’m kinda different, in a really special way.)
It was the same as the Chicken Soup books and my desire to be a life coach. There is more, a depth, an itching feeling of remembering that there is a grand story playing out for each of us and at times it hurts like hell, AND there is also an unseen and mostly forgotten realm of okayness as well.
Okayness might not be the best word but I am going with it. It fits better then acceptance, surrender or willingness. Though these words hit the mark as well. What I love about okayness (since I’ve made it a word) is that for me, it comes from the human part of me that I have long ignored.
My dream that’s coming true, it’s two-fold.
Internally, it is thisokayness of life (and I have stubbornly fought this for years); and externally it is using writing+creative expression daily as a medium that connects, inspires and leads to a rich inner world (for myself).
*When I say rich, I mean beyond your wildest dreams of wealth, beauty and love. For fun, sing along with me, “fairytales can come true..” or listen to Frank do it here.
Back to Substack
Substack is a writer/reader paradise. You’ll be floored (as I have) by the quality and creativity flourishing from Substack.
From now on my emails will come directly from the Substack app. This platform offers more opportunities to connect, share, and learn. There’s nothing you need to do on your end.
And the nuts and bolts of what I am offering in 2024…
- My writing will now have a free and paid subscription option. (You will still receive monthly emails with the free option + there is nothing you need to on your end.)
- The Paid Subscription includes the opportunity of supporting my writing with either a monthly or yearly affordable option.
- The upgrade! In addition with the paid subscription, you’ll receive more personal emails, and inspirational voice memos that spark creativity and intuition.
- The Creative Community is BACK – this group meets weekly for an hour and receives pretty amazing bonuses like discounted coaching rates and Ask Me Anything support. I intentionally keep this space small so reach out directly if interested.
- Oh ya, and I am writing a book! More on that in future posts.