Choosing Suffering or Peace?

Orly Levy Blog road following a rive

“If peace is what you truly want, then you will choose peace.” Eckhart Tolle

For many years I wanted peace of mind and I wondered why I suffered so much. At the time, I was not willing to let go of the thoughts, beliefs, habits, and identity that led to suffering. Yet, I kept “trying” to be happier. I clung to my old ways because they felt safer than not knowing.

I wanted peace, but I chose thinking and controlling and micro-managing my life.
I wanted peace, but I chose to obsess about other people’s problems.
I wanted peace, but I blamed others or shamed myself for not being good enough.
I wanted peace, but I kept up the habits of labeling everything as good or bad, wrong, or right.

This kept me stuck in my patterns of unhappiness, until I learned that what I wanted and what I was choosing were not in alignment. Wanting peace yet, worrying, blaming, controlling, and only trusting my limited perspectives – didn’t jive together. I would have to let something go in order to choose peace.

Peace means facing the truth and accepting your experience. It means taking action that supports your authentic unfolding.
Peace means surrendering your control and your habits for something greater.
Peace means trusting there is more than meets the eye.
Peace means letting go of everything that is not in your direct control.
Peace means looking for LOVE instead of supportive evidence of how bad this world is.

We always have a choice, and we have control over how we perceive ourselves and life. Life is not one sided – it is infinite and unlimited. If you don’t see life this way, you also won’t see yourself or your loved ones this way.

That doesn’t mean that things in your life are not difficult, overwhelming, or important; it means that your power lies in how you relate to the issues, what you learn from it, how you grow from it, and how you heal from the challenges.

As the quote above says, if you really wanted peace, you would choose peace. In a very honest way, it is saying, if you are not experiencing peace, it is because you DON’T really want it. You want to remain safe in your suffering and your old ways of being. This is common – we prefer the evil we know versus the unknown.  AND it is NOT the path that will lead you to peace.

Are you willing to let go and change your ways to experience more peace?
The answer to this question is all you need.

There is a price to our suffering and there is also a price to choosing peace. Which do you choose?

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