Indecision Stems from Perfectionism

Orly Levy Blog pitcher of pink flowers

I experience indecision often and it drives me nuts! Any choice seemingly big or small would exhaust me. From dinner decisions to life’s biggest shapers – marriage, children, etc.  I have realized for me, indecisiveness stems from perfectionism.

It keeps me stuck because I would rather not move forward then risk the fear of making a mistake. Mistakes cause me pain and discomfort so I might as well exhaust my mind to make the best possible answer so that I can avoid them. Can you relate to this line of thinking?

It also stopped me from seeing myself as confident, courageous, a leader. All things I deeply value.

If you are feeling confused or indecisive, one thing is for sure – you are using your mind to find the right answer. Or as Rumi says,

“searching among the branches, for what only appears in the roots.”

This is exhausting and creates a lot of unnecessary overwhelm and anxiety. The answer is never found in our thoughts – it can only be discovered from a deeper place within.

It’s the times when you are NOT thinking, when you feel a wave of calm and comfort and are present in your body and in the moment. These are the times that you can experience true clarity.

Though we can experience moments of clarity, I have a secret to share: clarity is fleeting. Clarity is fleeting because our ability to be and stay present is fleeting. The moment or minutes past your decision making will likely return to questions and theorizing the opposite of your choice.

This is normal – no one always feels one hundred percent confident with their decisions, however once a decision is made from that calm and present place you can choose to trust it and move forward.

With awareness you can learn what is the mind’s barking (yes, I liken it to a chihuahua) and what is the TRUTH (a gentle breeze).

The other part of this is summarized beautifully in this quote,

“Clarity comes from engagement not thought.” Marie Forleo

When we are in a place of calm, we realize there is not a right or a wrong choice. There is only living and choosing and experiencing life. There are no mistakes and nothing that has happened to you that was difficult is a mistake – it is life, and it is my biggest belief that if it happened, it is for a reason. One that is here to serve you, not harm you.

The only way to move forward is to make a choice and experience the results. Again, it is not thinking that provides the clarity – it is deciding and moving forward that brings you the answer.

If you struggle with decision making or are ready to get off the fence in any area of life,




– VALUE LIFE EXPERIENCE (it is after all what we are here for) OVER PERFECTION

I hope this supports you and send you the courage to become the leader in your life!

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