Was/Is it personal?

Orly Levy Blog books with pink tulips

“The less you personalize the pain you feel…the more quickly it becomes transmuted.” – Eckhart Tolle

What if your most personal and painful experiences weren’t personal at all? What if you were able to see and feel your emotions from a collective place rather than individual?

From my experience, the less personal we take anything in life the better. Even our so-called deepest, darkest secrets are not OURS. The scenarios that have defined us for so long, keep us trapped.

The reason being, the more personal we take things, the easier it is to get lost in our ego formed identity. Even though, this actually created the SUFFERING, we often choose it because it gives us the illusion of a sense of self. And that illusion feels safer.  This is the small self-grasping on for dear life to define us and WE ARE UNDEFINABLE.

This does not mean that the pain you feel isn’t real or should be denied in any way. It also doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be impacted by what happens in life. Surprisingly, not taking your pain personally means you are now CAPABLE of feeling and then moving the pain. It is like getting out of your own way.
This is the true acknowledgment and acceptance of what you are feeling. The only piece that has been removed is the PERSONAL IDENTITY MARKERS (illusion) that keeps you separate from the true oness of the universe.

Triggered yet?

If this is hard to read or your insides are screaming, “This makes no sense and screw you!” That is more than ok. Feeling bothered by this is a reaction to a deep questioning of your Self. It’s like your hanging on to a tree branch for dear life and suddenly something is poking your arm pit.  The tree branch is the illusion of self that is keeping you safe from falling. The poking is the opportunity to see life in a completely new way.

How do we begin this process? There is only one way – Awareness. Imagine being both the observer of your experience and the one experiencing it.


  1. Slow down.
  2. Use your senses.
  3. Breathe.
  4. Meditate.
  5. Notice without labeling.

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