Searching for Balance?

“We are not meant to find balance; we are meant to transcend it.” Amir Zoghi

For many years (even still) it was popular to talk about balance. Balance was the cure to finding happiness and peace. If only we could “find it” – if only our lives could be this perfect mix of everything. A little work, a little exercise, a little love, a little socializing, etc.

Of course, I see the value to finding balance and recognizing when we are over doing some areas and underdoing others. Understanding what balance means to you and what it may look and feel like is a valid question to ask yourself.

However, a key learning for me has been that balance like everything else is FLEETING. So even if you find balance for a little while, it is going to shift and change no matter what. Which will leave you feeling unhappy or out of balance most of the time.

If you have found this to be true, then you’ll understand what the quote above means by “transcending” balance. Rather than striving and trying to make balance happen, begin to embrace the “imbalances” that exist and learn how to navigate them.

Let that sink in – it is a powerful quote. Transcend means to go beyond the range of limits of something.

We don’t actually need a perfect, consistent balance in our lives. This would be to control ourselves and life in a way that is unnatural.

We need to become aware of ourselves and our choices and bring presence to what is happening and what wants to change without getting in the way. Experiencing imbalance is necessary and essential to our growth. This is how we learn and this is how we overcome hardships and you can and will get through it.

The power does not lie in having a perfect balance, the power lies in your ability to handle the imbalances with more presence and more trust each time they come around the corner and they will come around the corner again.

I hope this speaks to you on some level. Thank you for reading.

If you struggle with time, motivation and rushing through life – Check out my latest article on Tiny Buddha here!

UNLIMITED Love + Light,

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